
Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our most frequently asked questions.

Feel free to contact us and speak directly with the owner to find out more.

frequently asked questions (faq)
  1. Design Style, Shape & Size
  2. Store guideline requirements.
  3. Product weight, or maximum shelf weight
  4. Local or Offshore production
  5. Print requirements
  6. Shipping details

A quote can be provided to you in less than 3 hours!

In a word, absolutely! With our expansive knowledge of the retail and FMCG space, we’re able to bring your ideas and concepts to life.

Certainly, we can.

Moreover, we can even send you a 3D pdf so that you can rotate and zoom in on the design.

Although we do not stock any of our products, our production process allows for a quick turnaround.

All of our work is manufactured onsite. 

Yes. We can deliver your prototype flat packed or assembled. We can even assemble on site so that you can get a clear understanding of how it goes together.

We can create either computer-aided drawings, photographic step-by-step instructions, or even a YouTube video that you can easily follow.

We need 3 days to conduct our 15-point stress testing, and then we will provide you with a report of the findings.

FSDU stands for Free Standing Display Units. 

POS is an acronym for Point of Sale. 

Our intuitive designs and easy-to-follow instructions make it simple to put together our point of sale displays.

frequently asked questions