
Privacy Policy

privacy policy

Poskraft is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information it holds under the Australian Privacy Principals (APP), as outlined in this privacy policy statement.
Further more, the importance to our clients and their customers of the discreet and confidential handling of their personal information is paramount. Importantly, it is Poskraft’s policy to comply with the PrivacyAct1988. This includes the Australian Privacy Principles in all activities involving the collection, use, disclosure and handling of personal information.
The Website is operated by Poskraft Pty Ltd. (ABN 67 414 995 515) (we/us).

Parent or guardian’s consent is required for persons under the age of 18, before providing personal information to Poskraft.com. Additionally, a parent or guardian can access, update, or refuse further collection of personal information by contacting us via email. Nevertheless, we will only send you emails using your personal information, having your prior consent (express or inferred) to do so. Conversely, we will identify ourselves within the message. This will include a means of allowing you to unsubscribe or opt out of receiving future messages of that kind from us. Poskraft.com may contain links and references to third-party websites and organisations. Albeit, our Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites and organisations, although there may be other privacy policies that do. 

Collection of Personal Information

In this policy, personal information means information or an opinion (including information or an opinion forming part of a database). Also, including individuals whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or opinion. (source: Privacy Act 1988). http://www.oaic.gov.au/privacy/privacyact/the-privacy-act.

 You may request access to personal information that we hold about you by contacting us via the email below. Following your request, we will provide you with access after you have provided sufficient proof of identity. If the collected personal information from you is incomplete or out of date, contact us to arrange amending our records.

Information Use

No personal information concerning an individual is to be used for purposes other than for the initial intention. Consent for use of the information is to be obtained from our client’s customer through our client. This is to be provided to us with consent via a Client Contract or Quote Approval.
Above all, if an individual’s desire is not to receive any further direct marketing communications, we will cease any direct marketing communications.

Poskraft will only collect personal information that’s necessary for the business functions and activities and to comply with legal obligations. Only personal information will be collected by lawful and fair means.

By accepting our Terms, you consent to Poskraft using your personal information for the purposes specified. Personal information we collect from you in relation to Poskraft.com, may be stored in various forms, including electronic and hard copy. We take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold about you from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access.

You can contact us in relation to this Privacy Policy using the following details:
Email: inquiry@poskraft.com 
Phone: 0481 043 693

privacy policy

In short, a well-articulated privacy policy holds paramount significance as it ensures that you. Furthermore, our valued users, fully understand and are informed about the exact nature of the information. 

Additionally, we collect and the precise ways we use it to enhance your overall experience on our platform. 

In sum, not to mention place the utmost importance on your privacy and are committed to maintaining transparency by clearly outlining not only the data we gather but also the various purposes for which we utilize it. That is to say that familiarizing yourself with the details in our privacy policy. 

Also, you can rest assured that we handle your personal information with the utmost care and in accordance with the highest standards of data protection. 

Although this policy, we aim to empower you with the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about your online interactions.

Finally, we want to foster a sense of trust and confidence in our commitment to safeguarding your privacy rights.